The majority of families in the Coalition of Innovating Congregations
are engaged in High Impact Models of Jewish Education (not classroom only models).
Pink Floyd sang it:
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom...
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
On the move. The urgency of now is felt in over thirty teams from NY congregations who are dreaming, fretting details and trying to describe Jewish engagement in their congregation in 2015.
These leading teams have been asked to:
1. Start with successes to date. What models or dimensions of models have
you created that foster memorable learning? What has enabled you to create a measurable positive difference in learners’ knowledge, doing, belief/values and sense of belonging?
Know your success. Then dream. In three years, without concern or reservation, what would High Impact engagement of children and families look like? Where are your imagination and commitment directed?
As the Aerosmith song goes
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until your dream comes true
Dream On Dream On Dream On
Dream until your dream comes through
2. Notice the degree of commitment your congregation has to creating intensified and expanded High Impact Models. Notice the readiness that your team demonstrates for change. The degree of commitment and the readiness for change will help you determine which grant to apply for.
The Teams are prophesizing/envisioning/ imagining/describing 2015 (some of it will change over time, but use the picture as a guiding North Star)
They are asking the following questions. Answers might include:
- Why is learning take place? To enable children to live meaningful purposeful lives today.
- Where is learning taking place? Could be the classroom at times, could be the internet, the home, the field, the city, the coffee house, the pillow at bedtime, the synagogue, the soup kitchen..could be all of them.
- Who are the learners? Children, parents, grandparents, teens, seniors, community members (again any or all of them)
- When is learning taking place? On the rhythm of the Jewish calendar, on a weekly or rotating schedule, on demand and when convenient, on Shabbat (any or all or other)
- Who are the teachers? Robots, aps and computers, seniors and professional full and or part time staff, and clergy, and parents and, children or teens (any, all or other)
- How is learning taking place?
Learning is content rich, builds relationships, speaks to daily life and enables a learner to inquire, reflect, and make meaning.
The Jewish Education Project, funded by UJA-Federation of New York and the Foundation for Jewish Camp is offering grant opportunities to congregations who can see 2015 and take a bold step toward it next year.
I've already written about the largest grant, at $50,000 over three years. Now the other grants which are not chopped liver. Pending funding these grants will be renewable over three years.
Who gets the grants? Congregations that have
1. An engine that turns ideas into reality..human resources and the will and know how to get stuff done. They have a track record for having as much action as they do talk.
"Don't talk of stars burning above, If you're in love, show me
Tell me not dreams, filled with desire, If you're on fire, show me," sang "ELiza Doolittle in My Fair Lady.
2. A compelling picture of Jewish education in 2015. That picture needs to be built on the essential components that matter when nurturing a child
(e.g. living what is learned, engaging families in the questions of their lives, building role models and relationships)
Grants that are not chopped liver (does anyone use that expression any more or even eat chopped liver?) Or As Lady Gaga sings "That's money honey."
1. LOMED-MODEL $2500*
Expand & Intensify High Impact Model
Expansion means increased number of children and
families engaged in High Impact Models. Intensification means adding dimensions or
building blocks to emerging models. (or they can build new models)
2. LOMED-MODEL $10,000*
Significantly Expand & Boldly Intensify High Impact Model
3. LOMED-MODEL $12,500*
Create New Model: focused on Priority goals and work with Educational Resource Providers
4. LOMED-MODEL $50,000 over 3 years
Create New Model: Send more children to overnight Jewish camp and have year long experience camp-linked/camp like
5. Educational Resource Providers: Up to $2500
Work with Teva, Hazon, Moving Traditions, Storah-Telling, Facing History, and others
to support on going professional learning and powerful learning in new models.
Next time I'll write about another opportunity to congregations
Express Innovation
What's Frank Sinatra sing?
I wanna wake up in a city, that doesn’t sleep....
If "we" can make it there, "we'll" make it anywhere
It’s up to you - new york, new york
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